Live Virtual Training Talks in Pakistan.

Talks available in Karachi, Lahore, Faisalabad, Rawalpindi, Gujranwala, Peshawar, Multan, Hyderabad, Islamabad, and Quetta.

Working in a home office requires a unique set of skills. Teleworkers or virtual employees have additional challenges created by not being in a centralized office. Communication issues alone make it a challenging job, and recognizing these challenges will help your participants become great teleworkers.

Through our live virtual talks, your employees will see a great improvement in their performance and well-being. Being a teleworker does have the advantages of flexible schedules, no commute, and saving the company money. Your participants will establish the additional skills needed to be successful in their work from home environment.


Live Virtual Talk 1 In Pakistan


  • Solving Problems on Your Own
  • Being and Staying Motivated
  • You Have More Freedom, Don’t Abuse It
  • You and Only You are Accountable
  • Case Study 1
  • Review Questions 1
  • Recognize and Remove Bad Habits
  • Reflect on Mistakes, and Learn from Them
  • Establish Good Habits
  • Be Assertive With Yourself
  • Case Study 2
  • Review Questions 2

Duration: 45 minutes

Live Virtual Talk 2 In Pakistan


  • Build a Little Flexibility Into Your Schedule
  • Identify and Remove Time Wasters
  • Working with Time Zones
  • Using Free Time Wisely
  • Case Study 1
  • Review Questions 1
  • The Urgent/Important Matrix
  • Setting and Sticking to Deadlines
  • The Glass Jar: Rocks, Pebbles, Sand, and Water
  • Recognize When You are Procrastinating
  • Case Study 2
  • Review Questions 2

Duration: 45 minutes

Live Virtual Talk 3 In Pakistan


  • Plan for Additional Stress
  • When to Seek Help
  • Being Proactive, not Reactive
  • Establish Priorities and Attainable Goals
  • Case Study 1
  • Review Questions 2
  • Setting up Your Home Office
  • Remove Unneeded or Distracting Items
  • When Technology Fails?
  • Develop a Normal Working Day
  • Case Study 1
  • Review Questions 2

Duration: 45 minutes

Live Virtual Talk 4 In Pakistan


  • Open and Frequent Communication
  • Share Your Information
  • Have a Collaborative Attitude
  • Setting Expectations with Family and Friends
  • Case Study 1
  • Review Questions 2
  • Building Trust and Rapport
  • Feeling Isolated
  • Always in the Office
  • Lack of or Less Feedback
  • Case Study 1
  • Review Questions 2

Duration: 45 minutes


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Live Virtual Talks. Live Virtual Training

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Alternatively, give us a call to have one of our training consultants contact you. Our corporate training courses can be contextualized to meet your organization’s training needs. Leverage on our large pool of professional trainers and consultants for your organization’s training needs.


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